Trusted by over 5 Million people for their nutritional needs, for #AHealthierTomorrow!
COD Available
Trusted by over 5 Million people for their nutritional needs, for #AHealthierTomorrow!
COD Available
Trusted by over 5 Million people for their nutritional needs, for #AHealthierTomorrow!
COD Available

Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

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+91 981 744 1724


Welcome To

Gummado – Your Gateway to a Healthier, Happier You!

At Gummado, we believe that your well-being is not just a destination; it’s a journey filled with joy and vitality. We are thrilled to have you here, and we’re ready to embark on this transformative journey together.

Our website is more than just a place to explore plant-based wellness products. It’s a hub of inspiration, knowledge, and connection, designed to make your pursuit of health and happiness an enriching experience.

Here, you’ll find a wealth of information, expert insights, and delightful recipes to guide you on your path to wellness. You’re not alone; you’re part of a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

Whether you’re a seasoned wellness enthusiast or just starting your journey, Gummado is here to support, educate, and inspire you every step of the way. Together, let’s celebrate well-being as a daily triumph. Welcome to the Gummado family!”

Our Mission

"At Gummado's website, our mission is to be your trusted source for plant-based wellness inspiration, education, and community. We strive to create a welcoming online space that empowers individuals on their journey to better health and well-being.
Our mission encompasses:
Education:We provide a wealth of evidence-based information, expert advice, and resources to help you make informed choices about your health.
Inspiration: We aim to spark your passion for well-being through delightful recipes, success stories, and innovative ideas that make plant-based living enjoyable.
Community: Our website is a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share experiences, and support each other, fostering a sense of belonging in the pursuit of healthier lives.
Sustainability: We're committed to promoting sustainability and eco-conscious practices, reflecting our dedication to both personal and planetary well-being.
At Gummado's website, we are more than a brand; we are your partner in embracing wellness as a way of life. Together, let's make health and happiness accessible to all."

Our Vision

At Gummado, our vision is to pioneer a global wellness revolution, reimagining how people approach their health and overall well-being. We are dedicated to creating a future where individuals not only embrace but relish their journey towards a healthier life. Our unwavering commitment centers on harnessing the incredible potential of nature through the exclusive use of plant-based ingredients.
With a steadfast focus on quality, transparency, and responsible sourcing, we are resolute in redefining the notion of well-being. Join us on this transformative journey toward a healthier, happier you, and a healthier planet. Together, we can make well-being not just an aspiration, but a tangible and everyday reality.


Why Choose Gummado?

Certainly, here are three compelling reasons why people should choose Gummado:

  • Plant-Powered Excellence: Gummado is committed to using exclusively plant-based ingredients in its nutraceutical products. This commitment ensures that you are consuming products that are not only good for your health but also align with ethical and sustainable practices. With Gummado, you can trust that your well-being is nurtured by the goodness of nature.
  • Quality and Transparency: Gummado prioritizes quality and transparency at every stage of product development. Rigorous quality control measures, rigorous testing, and transparent labeling ensure that you know exactly what you're putting into your body. Gummado's dedication to transparency means you can confidently make informed choices about your health.
  • Delicious Wellness: Gummado understands that wellness should be enjoyable. Their innovative effervecent tablets and gummies offer a delightful way to support your health. With a range of delicious and nutritious options, Gummado makes well-being an indulgence rather than a chore, turning healthy living into a daily celebration.

Our Benifits

Broad-Spectrum Formulation

Alongside zinc, glutathione, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, ashwagandha, biotin, hyaluronic acid, omega-3-6-9, immune-enhancing components, and collagen peptides are also included.

Clinically Proven Efficacy

Created to deliver, not just promise. Our formulations go through extensive testing and are supported by research, resulting in high bioavailability and maximum absorption.


Each Gummado product complies with international safety standards, guaranteeing that the product you are ingesting is both safe and efficient.

Multi-Target Benefits

The Gummado product line is carefully crafted to meet a variety of needs, including liver function, lung health, ocular wellness, skin health, and hair vitality.

Convenience Meets Elegance

Whether you opt for our gummies, effervescent tablets or any of our upcoming products, rest assured that you're choosing products tailored to the fast-paced demands of modern life.

Hey, how can we assist you today?